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Why Should a Misfit Mogul Apply to College

Societal pressure.

Seriously, though. I’m nervous AF.

Most would look at what I’ve accomplished so far and reason that I don’t need to go. I’m overwhelmed by the challenges inherent in the process, the competition, or some college admissions person being like, “So what if he has millions of dollars?”

In my book “Misfit Mogul,” I discuss why having a traditional education is not the key to a rich future, but I have to admit to something: I want more than that. So…

The Bigger Picture
I want to do bigger and better sh*t. I’ve had practical experience in business and law, but I want to know more. I think so much of my napkin ideas that led to innovative thinking and creativity represent a restlessness inside me.

You might relate to the feeling, and I guess you’re also stressing over college applications and next steps. High school sucked, and we’re all thinking, “Why should I go through this again?” For me, the answer is that I can’t rest on my laurels, and what has happened so far feels like the beginning.

Rite of Passage
When I talk about the “old school”— a system of primary education that doesn’t feed our unique talents but instead gives us a baseline — this doesn’t necessarily apply to college.

Finally, I get to choose what the hell I want to do and be truly engaged in the subject. My resume will be sick, but again, this means nothing for anyone applying for a job at Google or Facebook (refer to the next blog). Guys, I’m passionate about this next step. It means something. A gateway to success on a different level. Just as important…

The Social Network
I’d be lying if I said that applying to college is propelled by, first of all, enthusiasm, secondly, my dad’s ultimatum, and thirdly, a way to meet people and get out of my damn house. I love my family, but Bro, it’s time to goooooo.

Yes, I want to meet hot girls but also like-minded people who might one day become part of my business or I become a part of theirs. In my home state of Texas, there are a lot of interesting people, but I think about all the bad @ss kids I could meet at Harvard, Yale, Stanford—wherever.

Even though I have crippling social anxiety and no idea how I’ll make friends, I believe this is a huge hurdle in my transition to greater success.

Let’s be real: I’m going to have more headaches, nosebleeds, and stress, but if there’s something I’ve learned in the past 17 years, it’s that anything worth doing is gonna hurt like hell.

This is why I don’t go to the gym… I know it will suck at times, and I’ll call my mom on the phone in tears (sorta kidding), but being a young misfit mogul isn’t worth anything if you don’t get out there and learn to be an adult. Guys, I’m crying already. But here’s the thing: I think back to the bigger picture: an advanced education in what I want to pursue. My experience with STEM opened my eyes to a lot of things and occupied my crazy brain. So,… time for the next step.

Chasing a Dream So damn corny but true. I became a misfit mogul by following a torrent of thoughts and ideas that I couldn’t shut up. I started young and have reaped the benefits. I don’t plan ever to join the workforce (although there is nothing wrong with that). I know that higher education is a part of my vision for the future of my businesses, charitable organizations, and career goals. So, the process is stressing me out, but everything will always stress me out. The misfit mogul still feels like an invisible kid, and I’m turning that kid into an adult… slowly. And with a diploma, that means something.

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